Our Villa Magia Verde is located in the south coast of the Azoresian main island of São Miguel. It is to find in the town of Furnas and is surrounded by a wonderful green sub-tropical landscape with a view of the fantastic mountains at a height of about 300 meters.
The house has been taken over as an old chalet in the 80s and has been continuously expanded. You can still see the core of the house on the main hall with its stone fireplace.
On our visits to São Miguel, we were always attracted to Furnas as if they were magnetically attracted. When we then decided to buy property on São Miguel, this house was our "eye and soul opener". We were enthusiastic about this jewel. This is the basis for everything you see here today and will evolve in the future.
We attach great importance to a hospitable co-operation, to a respectful treatment of the material in and around the house, as well as the surrounding nature. Share this joy and have a look at our pages and let yourself be inspired by a wonderful holiday destination.
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Villa Magia Verde | Karin und Noel Eichler | Rua do Estaleiro 20 | 9675 - 057 Furnas | São Miguel | Portugal
E-Mail: villamagiaverde@gmail.com